Riddles and Jokes

New Jokes and Riddles!

If 6 men took 3 days to dig a hole how long would it take for 2 men to dig half a hole?
No time at all because you can't dig half a hole

What flies and wobbles and at the same time?  A jelly copter.

What do you call a hungry horse in 4 letters?  MTGG

Why did the spy pull the sheets over his head?  He was an undercover agent. 

Mum, mum, dad's broken my computer!
How did he do that?
I dropped it on his foot.

Why did the computer act crazy?
It had a screw loose.

What's a vampire's favourite sport?
Here are some of my funniest riddles and jokes. Send me yours!

Q: what has a bottom at the top? A: your legs.

Q: what gets wet as it dries? A: a towel.

Q: what goes up but never goes down? A: your age.

Q: what is a cow's favourite place to go? A: the moovies!

"Doctor doctor i think i need glasses." You certainly do' sir. this is a shoe shop."

ZGM - Lego Legends!

Send me your most awesome Lego creations and I will post them! Here are a few of mine to get us started.

March Break Photos 2011 

Sept 11, 2010 - Photos from ZMG's cool friend's creations : BLH and Enterprise

Pimped out birdbath

    FBI Guy

      Hobo Shelter



            Military Ship

            Enterprise Creations

            4 car carrier

             this is the best model I've ever made. This is a 4 car carrier, 2 levels. It carries 3 ice cars and 1 race car.


            Welcome! Games Here

            Hi, I am ZacGameMaster and I am interested in computers and playing computer games. I also like lego, skateboarding, riding bikes, and making comic books.

            Here you'll find links to my favourite off-road bike and stunt games and other fun games.

            I'll also post jokes, and riddles and have a cool LEGO section for everyone to share photos of your awesome Lego creations. Just email me at: gameclub86@gmail.com

            Happy Playing!